Computer Aided Designing of Gaps and Terminations in High Voltage Applications
49 mins.An important aspect of high voltage design is the shaping of electrodes and other materials to achieve desired electric field (stress) profiles. This is commonly to prevent hot spots in the transition areas and/or to achieve very uniform fields in other areas. This webinar discusses common approaches such as Rogowski and Broda profiles, then show how even some simple spreadsheets can help design work with those, and ends with showing how simulation software can take the design to a higher level.
This webinar will demonstrate how to effectively use feedback and automation with parametric and scripted approaches.
Uses of Scripting in Transformer Design
42 mins.It is very common for insulator design to include simulation using numerical methods such as the Finite Element or Boundary Element methonds. Issues commonly addressed include power loss, heating, electric and magnetic fields, capacitance and inductance. Simulation greatly reudces the need for physical testing and provides insight into the origin of problems. When a large number of model variations are to be simulated it is tedious and time consuming to manually produce those and run them individually.
This webinar will demonstrate some cases where the process is greatly enhanced by parametrics or scripting.
INTEGRATED Engineering Software Version 11.0 major updates
26 mins.- Improved easy to use interface for defining and assigning Physics
- New Geometry creation tools
- New API functions
- 3D models now use Self-Adaptive solving by default
- Model summary and preview image now available
- New Message area tabs specific to the Outputs, Solver, Warnings, and Errors
Watch the webinar on version 11.0 here.
FEM/BEM Prediction of Parasitic Coefficients and Shielding Effectiveness in Electronic Enclosures
26 mins.- Improved easy to use interface for defining and assigning Physics
- New Geometry creation tools
- New API functions
- 3D models now use Self-Adaptive solving by default
- Model summary and preview image now available
- New Message area tabs specific to the Outputs, Solver, Warnings, and Errors
Watch the webinar on version 11.0 here.
FEM/BEM Prediction of Parasitic Coefficients and Shielding Effectiveness in Electronic Enclosures
26 mins.- Improved easy to use interface for defining and assigning Physics
- New Geometry creation tools
- New API functions
- 3D models now use Self-Adaptive solving by default
- Model summary and preview image now available
- New Message area tabs specific to the Outputs, Solver, Warnings, and Errors
Watch the webinar on version 11.0 here.
Automated Design Testing Procedures using Software Simulation Tools
(Presented as part of the IEEE Spectrum Webinar Series)
44 mins
As simulation software becomes widespread, designers are willing to optimize their use of the software. Simulation can be time consuming, even for repetitive aspects of the work – that become tedious for the user and are prone to input errors.
At the same time, while modeling there will typically be a number of model variations to be tried. Time is also required to analyze all desired iterations of a design, in order to decide which one is optimal.
This webinar, presented by INTEGRATED Engineering Software, will explain and provide examples of two common methods for automating aspects of the design process: parametrics and scripting.
Simulation of Coupled Electromagnetic/ Thermal Systems
25 minsEddy Current heating produced by time varying magnetic fields can be either a primary design goal, or an undesirable side effect. Predicting the temperature rise in conducting bodies is a challenging analysis problem requiring coupled electromagnetic and thermal field solutions. In this webinar we will be demonstrating:
- How to set up and solve coupled models
- Analyzing the electromagnetic and thermal solutions
- Characteristics of static and transient solutions
- Proximity and skin effect in coils
- Frequency considerations and mesh requirements for accurate solutions
Joint webinar with TecPlot, Inc: Optimizing an Electromechanical Device with Multidimensional Analysis Software
50 mins
There are a number of sophisticated routines for solving multidimensional constrained optimization problems (such as sequential quadratic programming, trust region reflective algorithms and various stochastic routines) which characteristically leave the researcher without a good physical feel for the critical parameters. As a result, the designer is forced to rely on intuition and is left with the uneasy feeling that something has been left out.
This joint webinar uses the latest features in Tecplot’s multidimensional analysis software (Tecplot Chorus) to help the researcher visualize the interplay of multiple parameters from INTEGRATED Engineering Software’s field analysis programs. See the “real life” advantages of combining Tecplot and INTEGRATED: the ability to easily isolate outliers, variables of secondary interest, and the effects of slight variations on the critical objectives.
API: Create Custom Tools for the Analysis of Electromagnetic Designs
30 minsWrite new analysis applications. Get more power and flexibility. Enhance the power of your application to suit your needs. Thanks to the API, users can integrate their INTEGRATED programs to other applications that they need for design analysis, bringing each particular model to an even higher level of sophistication.
See some examples of our API in action – such as how to design an insulator, test for EMC/EMI issues and optimize a magnetic core shape to obtain a desired B field profile.
Explore the Latest Trends in Particle Trajectory and Beam Simulation
39 minsPrecision is key when analyzing beams and particles. For many engineers and scientists, the design of instruments involves challenges that can only be resolved with the support of CAE tools specifically prepared to handle their very own problems.
You will see how to:
- Use an optical axis feature and display results through scatter and contour plots
- Rebuild a field at different times for arbitrary time dependencies
- Smoothly import CAD geometry and use healing tools
- Select the field solver according to the nature of your model
- Write your scripting or our API for fast automated custom designs
New Geometry Modeling Features in COULOMB V9.1
30 minsOur latest version of COULOMB contains significant geometry modeling enhancements (when compared to the previous version) that will accelerate your design time and power your analysis.
Topics include:
- Use of Named Objects and Blocks
- Creating Lofted Surface
- Using Path Sweeps
- Join and Merge operations
- Tools for Healing imported CAD models
Using Advanced Visualization Techniques
28 minsHigh quality graphics support the full comprehension of a model. Visualization provides a detailed analysis for the preparation of reports and presentations.
From this webinar you can learn how to get the best from the post-processing options available in our software packages. You’ll learn how to use a variety of advanced display techniques for plotting field results including:
- Contour Plots
- Profile Plots
- Isosurface Plots
- Combination of plots using the new Output Manager
- Creation of animation plots
Advances in Electromagnetic Transient Simulations: from Antennas to Transmission Lines to Motor Design
(Presented as part of the IEEE Spectrum Webinar Series)
63 mins
While many applications are steady state or have a harmonic time dependence, many other applications involve more complex time dependent processes. This time dependence may be simple mechanical considerations such as the coupling of electromagnetic forces, spring forces, friction forces, etc. in the motion of a device. It may also be pure electromagnetic processes.
For example, switching some devices on/off can result in significant transient effects which may be detrimental to a device. What changes in the design can mitigate those transient effects? What changes can enhance desired transient effects? In either case, computer simulations can be a great design aid which enhances your understanding and enables prediction of performance which minimizes the need for physical prototyping.
This webinar, presented by Dr. Doug Craigen, Team Leader Testing and Benchmarking at INTEGRATED Engineering Software, will explain and provide examples of results of computer simulations showing the expected transient behavior.
INTEGRATED 9.4: Making Simulation More Efficient
47 minsIn this webinar Dr. Doug Craigen reviews the most efficient ways to use INTEGRATED’s CAE tools with a focus on the benefits of new features in version 9.4. This webinar includes:
- Automation techniques that reduce modeling errors and generate results faster
- Tips for handling large and complex geometries
- Co-simulation with Simulink
- Configuring coils and windings and how to choose best solver setup for a model
- A new visualization provision for finding the physical location of graph data
Optimization in Magnetic Shielding Applications by the Boundary Element Method
92 minsShielding magnetic sources and magnetically sensitive devices from external magnetic fields are two major problems in magnetic shielding
Strong magnetic fields generated in applications such as Magnetic Resonance Imaging have to be shielded by magnetic steel walls. These types of problems are open region problems for which the Boundary Element Method (BEM) is the most appropriate for numerical simulation. In this webinar, important aspects of magnetic shielding simulation are presented using Integrated Software magnetic field solvers AMPERES (3D) and MAGNETO (2D).
This webinar presented by Dr. K. M. Prasad, Senior R&D Engineer Testing and Benchmarking at INTEGRATED Engineering Software, will explain and provide examples of results of computer simulations showing the shielding applications using BEM.

Efficient ODE Setup and Results Processing for Particle Trajectory Simulation
This webinar addresses practical computational issues in discrete calculations of the path of charged or multipole particles in electric and magnetic fields.
We begin by showing the theory and an Excel macro implementation of some standard ODE time-based solvers as applied to the charged-particle case. We also discuss potential benefits of a nonstandard distance-based solver configuration.
Next some examples are provided to illustrate trade-offs between the number of calculations and the accuracy of the result according to various criteria. For example, depending on one’s needs, the simulation set-up might produce output that is either a dense set of (x, y, z) points that plot as a smooth curve, or a much sparser set of points that are individually more accurate than the dense set.
The webinar will end by examining what can be done with the data obtained. Calculations based on a linear interpolation between points are straightforward, but may force one to use an inefficient ODE set-up. This can take excessive computation resources, hence a longer time than necessary to produce accurate results. Some alternatives will be demonstrated using various degrees of physical insight to get the most information possible from the given ODE output data.
- Automation techniques that reduce modeling errors and generate results faster
- Tips for handling large and complex geometries
- Co-simulation with Simulink
- Configuring coils and windings and how to choose best solver setup for a model
- A new visualization provision for finding the physical location of graph data